Sunday, June 17, 2012

So I finally decided not to do a party for my sweet 16 this year. I know, I know, Sweet Sixteen's are important, they represent the time when you finally became a 'women/man' and over in America sixteen is the age when you can finally start driving [I think] blah blah blah, but meh, to tell you the truth I don't really care.

Anyway the reasons as to why I don't want to have a sweet sixteen party is because;

- One; is because I want to make it pretty big but I am too broke to do so
- Two; I have other things to worry about
- Three; erm, that's it.

This year isn't going so well for me, both money wish and family wise. As well as that I don't want to put my parents through anymore stress, especially my dad. We're going through a rough patch so I don't want to waste money on something that seems so irrelevant [well to me it is].

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